Are You Marketing by Ransom Note?
People are visual creatures. We are attracted to one another by what we see. If someone looks attractive, we look at them. If they don’t appeal to us we scan right by them. People, places and things that are visually appealing stand out and make us feel good. Good looking people, artfully plated food, a well designed interior, a manicured yard, a well-designed business card, etc. These all stand out and we take notice. We admire and place a higher value on the visually appealing.
With a mind boggling number of visual stimuli coming into our individual worlds each day, we are forced to filter out what does not appeal to us. It would be nice for us to evaluate each message equally, but we simply don’t have time to do this. Too many messages with too little time. So, the smart approach is to appeal to the filter. Does your visual message fit the filter of others? If not, your business doesn’t get even a few seconds of scan time by your audience. Your message needs to be filter-worthy.
Filter-worthy means that a graphic designer designed your advertising, business card, logo, email campaign, etc. If you assign your administrative assistant these tasks, they can and often do, add a personal touch. This could be a different font, the addition of clip art to suit the season (think bunnies, fireworks, and shamrocks), or color changes. And that’s just your brochure! By the time a personal touch is added to the rest of your business collateral, signage, vehicle graphics, packaging, etc., your business presentation looks like a RaNsOm NotE.
Would you do business with a business that doesn’t take the time to have a visually appealing business image? With all other factors being equal, given the choice between doing business with a company that has a filter-worthy visual image and a business that uses the Ransom Note approach, potential clients will pick the former. Graphic designers are trained to create visually appealing, filter-worthy advertising and business collateral. Design Cubed is an award-winning graphic design firm. Call to discuss your project.